things in Yoruba language are unashamedly expressed literally without mincing
words. This can often be embarrassing to both the listener and even the 'sayer'. For example, visiting the lavatory to do No 2 is literally
expressed by the act in Yoruba. This can be cringing, crude and cruel to anyone who had the misfortune of asking where you are heading or where have you been. What the English language tries to hide in alternative, almost
flowery words, the Yoruba language brings to the table raw and undiluted.
the other extreme, Yoruba people can also be very frustrating in their habit of
never calling a spade by its name particularly in their attempt to save face
and maintain peoples dignity. To this end, speakers of the language often
employ anecdotes, proverbs, flowery illustration and non-verbal but equally
powerful communication tools to bring out a point.
example, if you despise an advice, you will be told:
'a dog on its way to
getting lost will not heed the master's whistle'
two or more people commit the same faux pas, you will hear:
'no partridge is taller than the other
except the one that perches on a ridge.' In other words, none of you is better than the other
you are expected to deduce the meaning of the proverb immediately.
Occasionally, the proverb is intended to be completely shrouded in mystery in
order to deliberately leave the listener clueless. It is also possible
that the ‘sayer’ wants the listener to draw an inference from what was said,
not unlike in a chemical test in the laboratory. Sometimes, the 'sayer' only wants the listener to have a partial understanding because a full grasp
gives everything away and may result in the listener not fully appreciating the
value of what he has received. The Yoruba expression for this last approach is 'abo oro la nso fun omoluwabi, to ba de inu e,
a di odindi.' In other words, 'a word is enough for the wise.'
some cases, an expression of greeting is formed by the actions that an event
triggers. For example, at the birth of a new born baby, the Yoruba greeting is not a mere
congratulations as it is in English. We say 'e
ku owo l'omi' - which literally translates as 'congratulations for dipping
your hands in water.' This will be odd if the context is not fully understood.
A new baby means a higher level of laundry i.e. washing nappies and baby clothes. It also means twice-daily bath for the baby. Both of these mean that the parents have a higher level of interaction with water, hence the greeting.
must be understood that this greeting originated before the age of washing
machines or disposable nappies. In any event, some people don't have washing
machines. Some parents also elect to use clothe nappies like we largely did for
our children.
decided to write this article following the birth of our
children and coming face to face with a barrage of ‘e ku owo l'omi.’
there you go. Yoruba people are brimming with paradoxes. On one hand, they
fully express things that one should be coy about. On the other hand, they bank
and hide words that should be readily spent, oftentimes in the name of saving
peoples' faces or because they just want to do so. They also use situational
actions to suggest a greeting. Little wonder the saying: 'owe leshin oro, oro leshin owe, b'oro
ba sonu, owe la fi nwa.'
'proverbs are the vehicle for expressions;
expressions are the vehicle for proverbs. When words fail you, a proverb will come
to the rescue.'PostcardfromLagos'
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